Saturday, October 20, 2012

Grocery (Vegetable & Fuit) Prices in India

Which vendor provides the cheapest grocery around you? The corner kiranan wala or the retail chain? Or the online vendors?  Find out now..

Windows 8 Release Preview - First Impressions

Microsoft (MS) would soon be releasing their new version operating system (OS) that is present without a doubt in majority of the Personal Computers (PC) all over the world - Windows 8.  Microsoft has released a beta version - so called Release Preview - for enthusiasts to try their hands on the new product.  You could download a copy from here

Though not an enthusiasts, the video on the Release Preview page was very interesting and I was tempted to get a copy & see how innovative the new product is.

The difference between Windows 7 and Windows 8 are many.  It seems Windows 8 has been designed assuming that most of the PCs that will run Win 8 would have a touch sensitive screen.  Like the smartphones of today, most of the features can be used seamlessly with touch.

However Win 7 itself is an OS that is user-friendly for the tech savy users.  It is difficult to explain to others who are first time users of a PC.  Now Win 8 is going to take it such a level that it may very well reach the level of 'impossible' for first time users to understand & start using a PC.  I have been using PCs for more than a decade.  However even I felt there is a learning curve with Win 8.  Also the lack of button and menu's and the dependence of positioning your mouse to activate features is a pain.

Overall Win 8 is slick but not user friendly - first impressions.  May be this is one of those features that is difficult at first glance and later you feel how did I use the old version so long.  Or may be it may go down the Vista route.  Time will tell.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bangalore Passport Seva Kendra Experience 2012

Recently I had the need to visit the Passport Seva Kendra in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.  I had read a lot about the new & improved services initiated by the Ministry of External Affairs.  And I must say I was very impressed with the results.

The only painful experience is getting the appointment to visit the passport office.  Sadly the appointments are exhausted within 5 minutes of the window opening.  However the appointment booking window opens all 7 days at 6 p.m.  Yes, the booking window opens all day of the week and the booking is for the subsequent working days.

Application Process
Once you fill the application and get the appointment, you need to carry the required documents and the fees to the PSK.  The site ( has very helpful tools to determine the fees for your application as well as the documents that needs to be carried with you.

Documents & Attestation
A few information that is not very clear with regards to the documents are;
When you take proof of residence you have to carry documents proving that you were a residence for at least a year.  What I mean by this is, if you are carrying telephone bills or utility bills, you need to carry a latest bill and a bill from last year. 
Another thing is about document attestation.  In some situations you need to submit declarations that needs to be printed on lowest denomination stamp paper and notorised (e.g. when renewing a passport due to damage to the passport).  Samples of all these are provided in Appendix.
And the last point is some documents like you passport copy is mentioned to be self attested.  However for other documents, it is mentioned that it needs to be attested.  It is not mentioned whether 'attested' means self-attested or attested by a gazette officer.  You don't need to attest these document copies by a government officer.  You can self-attest these documents as well.  However don't forget to carry the original of these documents for verification by the officers there.

Total Time & Experience
All in all I was given a 30 minute slot and was asked to report 15 minutes earlier.  I reported on time.  There was a small crowd at the entrance.  People who had reached well before their due time.  However the security folks made it easy to enter inside on my scheduled reporting time.  The whole process is conducted very smoothly.  Instead of the planned 30 minutes, the entire process was completed in 45 minutes.  Very professional managed.

Kudos to change.  Hopefully we would have more & more of our government offices turn like this in future.