Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Politicians & Conflict of Interest

The Sports Bill was put in front of the Indian cabinet to discuss.  No one had any doubt that it was not going to go down well with most ministers.  Read the news article here

The Sports Bill was going to be a game changer.  It was going to bring the all powerful BCCI under the RTI net and was also going to bring in lot of measures that seemed like common sense decisions.  However most of the sports authorities are run by ministers who are part of the cabinet.  And the bill was going to cut their wings or reduce their monopoly on the sports bodies.  Now how are they going to allow that.

When a bill or legislation is being discussed and drafted shouldn't the ministers and people whom it impacts to be kept away from it.  Here there is a serious conflict of interest.  Even though it is the cabinet ministers, if the law being discussed impacts them, they should be able to put forth their opinion but they should not have any say on passing the bill.

It should happen for other legislation as well.  The ministers keep raising their salary and benefits on a regular basis.  And at times many times over the current amounts.  Should they be allowed to determine what the benefits they should receive?

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