Tuesday, November 15, 2011

EconomicTimes Top 5 Picks Analysts Performance

The stock markets are throwing up surprises everyday.  One thing is for sure that this is not a bull run.  The market is definitely heading south, however there are instances of up trend and everyone starts wishing the markets to continue the same up trend.

In the middle of all this there are plenty of analysts who are trying to guess the market direction and its mood.  You can find these analysts predictions in all business newspapers and websites.  There are even websites fully dedicated to making these predictions and claim to be making money for you.  Or are they just making money for themselves?

I'm not very financially well versed.  I try to read the articles and figure out what is right, what is wrong, when to invest and in which company.  However the innumerable analysts and their predictions makes it difficult to put my trust behind any one of them and follow them blindly.  In my effort to figure out who amongst the many have been able to make the 'right' analysis and who have had more hit rates, I couldn't find just a statistics.  There are many who claim they can predict the market, but no info about how many of them have correct.  I understand no one would be 100% accurate, but who have got it right the majority of the times?

I think since there is no such comparison data available, it will not give much incentive for these analysts to do a thorough analysis.  Not that most of them may not be doing that.  However I'm sure there would be some at least who would be gaming the people.

So I went about zeroing in on EconomicTimes newspaper.  It publishes "Top 5 Picks" of the day and "Mid Term" predictions from analysts.  I created a page where I plan to put in these predictions along with the analysts info.  I have a few scripts that would track the market and see if the stop loss was triggered or the target.  I just started this today and am not sure how the things will turn out.  I'll write an update is about a month's time to see how this experiment worked.

I'm skipping the "Mid Term" predictions as there is no stop loss mentioned only the target price.  My limited understanding is that it is not prudent to enter a stock without appropriate stop loss.

This is no longer maintained.

I would really appreciate if before you switch away from this page, if you could write a short or long comment about your experience as well.

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